How to get beachy waves in a synthetic wig?Updated 9 months ago
Today I am going to show you how to get beachy waves in a synthetic wig in less than 10 minutes and in three easy steps. Please keep in mind that I am using a heat-friendly synthetic wig, also known as a heat-resistant synthetic wig. Heat tools can be applied to this type of synthetic hair.
If you aren’t sure what type of synthetic hair you have, please reach out to the brand or company that you ordered your wig from. At Encelia Hair, heat tools can be applied to all of our synthetic wigs.
- Wide claw clip
- Setting clips or plastic hairties
- Lightweight or medium hairspray
- Flat iron
- Spray bottle filled with water
- Petite rubber mannequin head - aka home base, this mannequin is petite, so it won't stretch out your wig; the rubber base allows you to easily secure your wig in place with wig pins, and the hairline outline will help you "set" your wig to maintain the "dome-like" shape of the head.
- Wig Pins - unlike t-pins, these pins won't pull the hair when you brush your wig
- Wig Brush - The Flexible design of this brush will help you quickly and gently brush your wig without pulling on the hair and knots, which can cause shedding.
If you do not have an Encelia wig, please make sure that your synthetic wig is a heat-resistant wig. If heat is applied to the hair, it will melt.
- Section the wig
- Using your large claw clip, section the hair starting at the bottom.
- Braid the hair
- Play with different braids and braid sizes. In general, you do not want the braid to have less than 1/2 inch of hair. If you use more hair, the heat from the flat iron cannot be absorbed, and the curl will not take.
- Before you braid the section hair, spray the hair with water.
- Apply hairspray
- Use a lightweight or medium hairspray. Super sticky hairspray will coat the hair with a white film.
- Spray each braid with hairspray - the top and the bottom
- Flat Iron each braid
- Turn on your flat iron and set the temperature to 280-300 degrees. If you are using a normal flat iron, spray the hair with water. You want a fine mist of water on the hair as it will help the curl take. Starting at the top, press the flat iron into the braid, squishing the braid so it's almost flat and work your way to the bottom. Then go back up to the top and slide the flat iron down the braid
- Let the hair cool
- Relax, call a friend, put on your makeup, go for a walk.. Enjoy this free time and let the synthetic hair do all the work :)
- Note, don't rush this step. Synthetic hair takes the hair as it cools, so make sure the hair is cool before you take the braids out.
- Remove the clips or hair ties.
- Easy, just remove the clips or hair ties and you are good to go. The best part, the synthetic hair will hold this style even after you wash it! Amazing, right?